Demonstration Site of the WUMM Social Network

TRIZ Future 2020


de: Consider It Solved^TM - Wie Emerson systematische Methoden zur Innovation und Lösung von Problemen nutzt
en: Consider It Solved^TM – How Emerson Makes Use of Systematic Methods to Innovate and Solve Problems
fr: Consider It Solved^TM - Comment Emerson utilise Systematic Méthodes pour innover et résoudre les problèmes
ru: Consider It Solved^TM. Как Emerson использует систематические методы инноваций и решения проблем

Author(s): Michèle Routley

Track: Keynote

en: The pace of change is ever increasing. Technology development is becoming ever more integrated and complex. Innovation is needed to solve new challenges and existing problems. Emerson provides solutions to a very diverse range of challenges. Several methods and mechanisms are used to support the full spectrum of innovation – from incremental to radical. Many of these methods employ systematic techniques for problem solving to provide support for structured innovation. The presentation will cover background information on Emerson’s innovation ecosystem, then introduce some of the systematic innovation techniques employed through case studies, explaining the rationale behind the fitness for purpose of the techniques for the context. To finish, some recent experiences of digitalization of the approaches used within Emerson will be shared.

de: Die Echtzeit-Widerspruchsmatrix eines bestimmten Feldes unter Verwendung unstrukturierter Texte von Patentinhalten und Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache
en: Real-time Contradiction Matrix of a Given Field Using Unstructured Texts of Patent Contents and Natural Language Processing
fr: Matrice de contradiction en temps réel d'un champ donné utilisant des textes non structurés de Contenu des brevets et traitement du langage naturel
ru: Матрица противоречий в реальном времени данного поля используя неструктурированные тексты содержания патентов и обработка естественного языка

Author(s): Daria Berdyugina, Denis Cavallucci

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Algorithmischer Ansatz für die Gestaltung von Ideenlandschaften und deren Priorisierung
en: Algorithmic Approach for Idea Landscaping and Prioritization
fr: Approche algorithmique pour l'aménagement paysager des idées et la priorisation
ru: Алгоритмический подход к ландшафтному дизайну ландшафтаов идей и их приоритизация

Author(s): Nikhil Phadnis

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Konzeptionelle semantische Analyse von Patenten und wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen basierend auf TRIZ
en: Conceptual Semantic Analysis of Patents and Scientific Publications Based on TRIZ Tools
fr: Analyse sémantique conceptuelle des brevets et des publications scientifiques basée sur les outils TRIZ
ru: Концептуально-семантический анализ патентов и научных публикаций на основе инструментов ТРИЗ

Author(s): Leonid Chechurin, Arthur Deder, Vasilii Kaliteevskii, Nemanja Peric

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Zusammenfassung als Extraktionswerkzeug zur Rauschverminderung
en: Summarization as a Denoising Extraction Tool
fr: La synthèse comme outil d'extraction du bruit
ru: Резюмирование как средство извлечения шумоподавления

Author(s): Denis Cavallucci, Guillaume Guarino, Amir Nafi, Ahmed Samet

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Tools zur Problemlösung als Methoden zur Verwaltung des Informationsgehalts von Systemen
en: Problem-Solving Tools as Methods for Managing the Information Content of Systems
fr: Les outils de résolution de problèmes comme méthodes de gestion du contenu informationnel des systèmes
ru: Инструменты решения проблем как методы управления информационным содержанием систем

Author(s): Igor Zadesenets

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Verbindungen zwischen Problemen und Lösungen im Patent herstellen
en: Build Links between Problems and Solutions in the Patent
fr: Créer des liens entre les problèmes et les solutions dans le brevet
ru: Создание связей между проблемами и решениями в патентах

Author(s): Denis Cavallucci, Xin Ni, Ahmed Samet

Track: Computing TRIZ


de: Eine Studie über den Effekt verbesserter kollektiver Intelligenz in Kombination mit der TRIZ-Methodik zur Lösung komplexer Technologiesysteme
en: A Study on the Effect of Improved Collective Intelligence Combined with TRIZ Methodology for Solving Complex Technology Systems
fr: Une étude sur l'effet de l'amélioration de l'intelligence collective combinée à la méthodologie TRIZ pour résoudre des systèmes technologiques complexes
ru: Исследование эффекта улучшения коллективного разума в сочетании с методологией ТРИЗ для решения сложных технологических систем

Author(s): Sehoon Cho

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: Menschen und ihre technischen Systeme
en: Human and Their Technical Systems
fr: Les hommes et leurs systèmes techniques
ru: Люды и их технические системы

Author(s): Hans-Gert Gräbe

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: Quantifizierung nachhaltiger Patente zur Verbesserung von ESG-Faktoren unter Verwendung von bibliometrischen Indikatoren aus Patentportfolio-Bewertungen
en: Quantifying Sustainable Patents for Enhancing ESG Factors Using Bibliometric Indicators from Patent Portfolio Valuation
fr: Quantifier les brevets durables pour améliorer les facteurs ESG à l'aide d'indicateurs bibliométriques issus de l'évaluation du portefeuille de brevets
ru: Количественная оценка устойчивых патентов для улучшения факторов ESG с использованием библиометрических показателей стоимости патентного портфеля

Author(s): Stelian Brad, Andreas Zagos

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: Innovative Methode des Patentdesigns auf der Grundlage der technologischen Evolution
en: Innovative Method of Patent Design Around Guided by Technological Evolution
fr: Méthode innovante de conception de brevets guidée par l'évolution technologique
ru: Инновационный метод патентного дизайна на основе технологической эволюции

Author(s): Hao-Yu Li, Jianguang Sun, Runhua Tan, Fanfan Wang, Kang Wang, Lan Zhang

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: Dynamisierung und reale Optionen - Diskussion des wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs von Design-Erfindungen
en: Dynamization and Real Options – Discussing the Economic Success of Design Inventions
fr: Dynamisation et options réelles - Discussion sur le succès économique des inventions en matière de design
ru: Динамизация и реальные возможности: обсуждение экономического успеха дизайнерских изобретений

Author(s): Leonid Chechurin, Mikael Collan

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: TRIZ-basierter Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Einführung von Open Innovation 2.0
en: TRIZ-based Approach for Improving the Adoption of Open Innovation 2.0
fr: Approche basée sur TRIZ pour améliorer l'adoption de l'innovation ouverte 2.0
ru: Подход, основанный на ТРИЗ, для улучшения внедрения открытых инноваций 2.0

Author(s): Stelian Brad, Eugen Otavă

Track: Cross-fertilization of TRIZ for Innovation Management


de: TRIZ-getriebene Innovation im Design von Technologien für erneuerbare Energien [auf der Basis eines Windkraftanlagenprojekts]
en: TRIZ-Driven Innovation in Renewable Energy Technology Design [hands on a Wind Turbine Project]
fr: L'innovation dans la conception de la technologie des énergies renouvelables pilotée par TRIZ [les mains sur un projet d'éolienne]
ru: Инновации на основе ТРИЗ в разработке технологий возобновляемых источников энергии. [На основе проекта ветряной турбины]

Author(s): Isak Bukhman

Track: Masterclass

en: Given the fast-growing population and the ever increasing consumption of resources it is imperative that breakthrough innovations make alternative energy sources more commercially viable. Wind turbines represent an attractive source of sustainable and environmentally friendly energy. World wind energy capacity has been doubling every three years during the last decade and growth rates in the last two years have been even faster. The trainer will introduce an original Wind Turbine project to demonstrate the capabilities and efficiency of Technology for Innovation based on TRIZ. The trainer has selected a three-blade turbine as a base turbine design for this research project. The three-blade turbine is most common, sometimes known as a Danish concept. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and makes electricity. The electricity is sent through transmission and distribution lines to a substation, then on to homes and business. The potential for TRIZ as a science and philosophy of systems development has also yet to be fully realized. Especially in combination with Functional Analysis, other proven methods for problem identification, and a pool of targeted scientific and informational resources to accelerate concept identification. However, with a practical roadmap to guide the practitioner, the benefits of combining and deploying these discrete resources and methodologies are readily attainable. This project describes a personalized roadmap that supplies a repeatable process for improving sustainable wind energy generation. Each project roadmap is an individual roadmap for the given project. Using the improvement of Wind Turbine Development as a case study, this master class focuses on a proven and repeatable process that overcomes common TRIZ deployment challenges. It shows a workflow and methodology for how to get started working on a problem with TRIZ, how to compliment TRIZ with proven methods for problem identification, how to leverage scientific knowledge, patents information, and existing resources to accelerate concept identification.

de: TRIZ zur Entwicklung innovativer Unternehmen und Innovationsmanagementstrategien
en: TRIZ for Developing Innovative Businesses and Innovation Management Strategies
fr: TRIZ pour le développement d'entreprises innovantes et de stratégies de gestion de l'innovation
ru: ТРИЗ для развития инновационного бизнеса и стратегий управления инновациями

Author(s): Vladimir M. Petrov

Track: Keynote

en: The presentation is devoted to algorithms that lead to generation of innovation ideas in business and innovation management strategies. Innovation management methods are based on the works of Prof. Clayton Christensen from HBS, and the means of getting innovation ideas are based on TRIZ works of G. Altshuller and the author. The presentation will introduce a novel approach to set up innovation management strategies, somewhat different from what Prof. Christensen’s proposed. To get ideas for future innovations, the intervention of Vladimir will introduce powerful tools such as: 1. Systems approach, 2. Laws and patterns of system development, 3. Methodology for solving non-standard problems, 4. Resources and 5. Technology transfer. On disruptive product innovation, the presentation will be directed towards an algorithm that includes: 1. Identification of needs, 2. Product development, 3. Consideration of product factors over its lifecycle, company factors and market factors, 4. Forecasting of product development, company and market. To identify new needs and functions that fulfill these needs, the presentation will introduce works of the author on trends in the development of needs and patterns of change in functions. For product development, system development trends are used. The creation of disruptive innovations that reduce the cost of products is carried out using the trend of increasing ideality in the form of trimming. Sustaining innovations are created using all TRIZ tools. It will be highlighted what TRIZ tools and how are they used for each type of innovation. Forecasting is the final step in getting the idea of innovation. It determines on which of the life cycles the company and the market should be located for the production and distribution of the product implementing the developed idea.

de: ArgumenText: Argumentklassifizierung und Clustering in einem verallgemeinerten Suchszenario
en: ArgumenText: Argument Classification and Clustering in a Generalized Search Scenario
fr: ArgumenText: Classification et regroupement des arguments dans un scénario de recherche généralisée
ru: ArgumenText: классификация аргументов и кластеризация в общем сценарии поиска

Author(s): Johannes Daxenberger

Track: Keynote

en: Organizations have access to huge amounts of text data but harnessing its business potential is still a major challenge. The use of Text Mining, Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics to unleash the potential of unstructured data and to integrate unused assets into decision-making processes is one of the key paths to face with this challenge. Novel deep learning methods for robustly mining arguments from heterogeneous Web sources and text streams like social media and news will be introduced in the presentation. The proposed approach allows for fast adaptation to new use cases and mining arguments robustly across different domains. The presentation is going to retrieve pro and contra arguments for any issue or statement from available texts. It could be inspiring for TRIZ community, as some algorithms are open for public use.

de: Überschüsse in technischen Systemen: Eine hilfreiche Ressource
en: Excesses in Engineering Systems: A Helpful Resource
fr: Excès dans les systèmes d'ingénierie : Une ressource utile
ru: Излишки в инженерных системах: полезный ресурс

Author(s): Oleg Y. Abramov

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: Öko-Innovation aus der Natur lernen: zur Identifizierung von Lösungsprinzipien ohne sekundäre Umweltprobleme
en: Learning Eco-Innovation from Nature: towards Identification of Solution Principles without Secondary Eco-Problems
fr: Apprendre l'éco-innovation à partir de la nature: vers l'identification des principes de solution sans Eco-problèmes secondaires
ru: Изучение экологических инноваций в природе: определение принципов решения без вторичных экологических проблем

Author(s): Pavel Livotov, Mas'Udah, Arun Prasad Chandra Sekaran

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: Ein zukünftiges Öko-Design-Framework basierend auf TRIZ Widersprüchen und bio-inspiriertes Design
en: A Future Eco-design Framework Based on TRIZ’s Contradictions and Bio-Inspired Design
fr: Un futur cadre d'éco-conception basé sur les contradictions de TRIZ et la conception bio-inspirée
ru: Фреймворк будущего экодизайна, основанный на противоречиях ТРИЗ и био-дизайн

Author(s): Denis Cavallucci, Houcine Dammak, Abdellatif Dkhil, Mickael Gardoni, Marouane Mouatassim, Arlindo Silva

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: TRIZ zur Lösung von Herausforderungen bei der Gestaltung nachhaltiger, intelligenter und integrativer Gebäude
en: TRIZ to Solve Challenges for Designing Sustainable, Intelligent and Inclusive Buildings
fr: TRIZ pour relever les défis de la conception de bâtiments durables, intelligents et inclusifs
ru: ТРИЗ для решения задач по проектированию устойчивых, интеллектуальных и инклюзивных зданий

Author(s): Emilia Brad, Anca Stan

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: Beitrag zum TRIZ-Fortschritt bei der Kombination von Lean Design und erfinderischer Entwurfsmethoden
en: Contribution to TRIZ Progress in Combining Lean and Inventive Design Method
fr: Contribution à la progression de TRIZ dans la combinaison de la méthode Lean et du design inventif
ru: Вклад в прогресс ТРИЗ в сочетании экономического и изобретательного методов проектирования

Author(s): Denis Cavallucci, Hicham Chibane, Masih Hanifi, Remy Houssin

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: Management von KI-Technologien im Erdbau: Ein TRIZ-basierter Innovationsansatz
en: Managing AI Technologies in Earthwork Construction: A TRIZ-based Innovation Approach
fr: Gestion des technologies d'IA dans la construction de terrassements : Une approche de l'innovation basée sur TRIZ
ru: Управление технологиями искусственного интеллекта в земляных работах: инновационный подход на основе ТРИЗ.

Author(s): Stelian Brad, Nino Hoch

Track: TRIZ and Sustainable Development


de: Bedeutungsvolles TRIZ
en: Mindful TRIZ
fr: TRIZ conscient
ru: Значимая ТРИЗ

Author(s): Darrell Mann, Viktoria Zinner

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Ein innovativer TRIZ-basierter Ansatz zur Verhinderung von CLDE-Symptomen in Silikon-Hydrogel Augenkontaktlinsen
en: Innovative TRIZ-Based Approach to Prevent CLDE Symptoms in Silicone-Hydrogel Eye Contact Lenses
fr: Approche innovante basée sur TRIZ pour prévenir les symptômes de CLDE dans le silicone-hydrogel Lentilles de contact avec les yeux
ru: Инновационный подход на основе ТРИЗ к предотвращению симптомов CLDE в силикон-гидрогеле контактных линзов для глаз

Author(s): Ye Lin Junjg, Woon Kyu Lee, Azra Memon, Yuliya Pyao, Yong Won Song

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Ein neuartiges Design von CRTM-Formen unter Verwendung der TRIZ-Separationsprinzipien
en: A Novel Design of CRTM Mold by Using TRIZ Separation Principles
fr: Une nouvelle conception du moule CRTM en utilisant les principes de séparation TRIZ
ru: Новый дизайн пресс-формы CRTM с использованием принципов разделения ТРИЗ

Author(s): Said Adima, Jamal Echaabi, El Hassan Mallil, Aziz Maziri, Ahmed Ouezgan

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Lösen von Problemen mit Halbleiterprobekarten unter Verwendung von TRIZ und Datenanalyse
en: Solving Semiconductor Probe Card Problems Utilizing TRIZ and Data Analysis
fr: Résolution des problèmes de carte de sonde semi-conductrice utilisant TRIZ et analyse de données
ru: Решение проблем с полупроводниковой пробной картой с помощью ТРИЗ и анализа данных

Author(s): Jeon Yong Mun, Yong Won Song

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Leistung im Software Engineering und Qualitätssicherung durch TRIZ
en: Software Engineering Performance and Quality Assessment by TRIZ
fr: Évaluation des performances et de la qualité de l'ingénierie logicielle par TRIZ
ru: Оценка эффективности и качества программной инженерии с помощью ТРИЗ

Author(s): Jae Yeon Kim, Kangrok Lee, Jaemin Shim

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Wie SK Hynix die TRIZ auf Branchenprobleme anwendet
en: How SK Hynix Applies TRIZ to Industry Field Problems
fr: Comment SK Hynix applique TRIZ aux problèmes de l'industrie sur le terrain
ru: Как SK Hynix применяет ТРИЗ к отраслевым проблемам

Author(s): Jae-Man Joo, Dong-Seok Oh, Wan-Bok Park, Yong Won Song

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Netzwerk der Widerspruchsanalyse im Qualitätsmanagement von Marketinginformationen
en: Network of Contradictions Analysis in Marketing Information Quality Management
fr: Réseau d'analyse des contradictions dans la gestion de la qualité de l'information marketing
ru: Сеть анализа противоречий в управлении качеством маркетинговой информации

Author(s): Joanna Majchrzak, Marek Miądowicz

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: Ein funktionsauswahlbasierter Ansatz für die allgemeine Erkennung von Widersprüchen
en: Feature Selection-based Approach for Generalized Contradiction Recognition
fr: Approche basée sur la sélection des fonctionnalités pour la reconnaissance généralisée des contradictions
ru: Подход на основе выбора характеристик для распознавания обобщенного противоречия

Author(s): Naser Ghannad, Roland de Guio, Pierre Parrend

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: Ein Flussstruktur-Informationsmodell für die Multiflow-Problemanalyse in komplexen Systemen
en: Flow Structure Information Model for Multiflow Problem Analysis of Complex Systems
fr: Modèle d'information sur la structure des flux pour l'analyse des problèmes de flux multiples dans les systèmes complexes
ru: Информационная модель структуры потоков для анализа многопоточных проблем в сложных системах

Author(s): Congying Wang, Xuerui Wang, Zhang Jianhui, Wenxu Zhang, Ruikai Zhao

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: Prozessmodell zur Lösung multipler Konflikte in komplexen technischen Systemen
en: Multi-conflict Problem Resolution Process Model of Complex Technical System
fr: Processus de résolution des problèmes multi-conflits Modèle de système technique complexe
ru: Модель процесса разрешения проблем с множеством конфликтов в сложной технической системе

Author(s): Congying Wang, Xuerui Wang, Zhang Jianhui, Wenxu Zhang, Xinyu Zhang, Ruikai Zhao

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: Ein systematischer Innovationsprozess, der auf Interdisziplinarität ausgerichtet ist
en: A Systematic Innovation Process Oriented to Inter-Discipline
fr: Un processus d'innovation systématique orienté vers l'inter-discipline
ru: Систематический инновационный процесс, ориентированный на междисциплинарный подход

Author(s): Yu-Juan Du, Hao-Yu Li, Zhitao Song, Jianguang Sun, Runhua Tan

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: TRIZ-gesteuerte Identifizierung von KI-Anwendungen zur Verbesserung der Navigation mobiler autonomer Roboter
en: TRIZ Driven Identification of AI Application to Improve Navigation of Mobile Autonomous Robots
fr: Identification de l'application d'IA pilotée par TRIZ pour améliorer la navigation des robots mobiles autonomes
ru: Управляемая ТРИЗ идентификация приложения ИИ для улучшения навигации мобильных автономных роботов.

Author(s): Stelian Brad, Andrei Vlad Florian

Track: TRIZ and Complexity


de: Technologie-Scouting für die Behandlung fester Abfälle: ein TRIZ-Ansatz
en: Technology Scouting for Solid Waste Treatment: TRIZ Approach
fr: Recherche technologique pour le traitement des déchets solides: approche TRIZ
ru: Разведка технологий для обращения с твердыми отходами: подход ТРИЗ

Author(s): Oleg Y. Abramov, Pavel Fimin, Evgenia Smirnova

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Entwicklung einer neuen Variante des Harzfilm-Infusionsverfahrens für die Luftfahrt und Automobilindustrie mit SF-Modellen
en: Development of a New Variant of Resin Film Infusion Process for Aeronautic and Automotive Industries Using Su-Field Models
fr: Développement d'une nouvelle variante du procédé d'infusion de film de résine pour l'aéronautique et Industries automobiles utilisant des modèles Su-Field
ru: Разработка нового варианта процесса инфузии полимерной пленки для аэронавтики и автомобильной промышленности, использующая вепольные модели

Author(s): Said Adima, Jamal Echaabi, El Hassan Mallil, Aziz Maziri, Ahmed Ouezgan

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: TRIZ für die Schaffung blauer Ozeane
en: TRIZ for the Creation of Blue Oceans
fr: TRIZ pour la création des océans bleus
ru: ТРИЗ для создания голубых океанов

Author(s): Stefan Schaper

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Der Algorithmus der ersten Ebene zum Auffinden erfinderischer Lösungen basierend auf der funktionsorientierten Modellierung von Konflikten und deren Analyse
en: The First Level Algorithm for Finding Inventive Solutions Based on Function-Oriented Modeling of Conflicts and Analysis
fr: L'algorithme de premier niveau pour trouver des solutions inventives basées sur la fonction Modélisation des conflits et analyse
ru: Алгоритм первого уровня для поиска инновационных решений, основанных на функционально-ориентированном моделировании конфликтов и анализа

Author(s): E. E. Smirnov

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Eine TRIZ-basierte Methode für intelligentes Produktdesign
en: A TRIZ-Based Method for Smart Product Design
fr: Une méthode basée sur TRIZ pour la conception intelligente de produits
ru: Метод на основе ТРИЗ для интеллектуального дизайна продукта

Author(s): Paolo Carrara

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Zur Bewertung von Lösungskonzepten im Inventive Design
en: Towards Evaluation of Solution Concepts in Inventive Design
fr: Vers l'évaluation des concepts de solution dans la conception inventive
ru: На пути к оценке концепций решений в изобретательном дизайне

Author(s): Hicham Chibane, Amadou Colibaly, Remy Houssin, Muhammad Irshad Yehya

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Entwicklung kreativer Persönlichkeiten
en: Creative Person Development
fr: Développement de la personne créative
ru: Развитие творческой личности

Author(s): Isak Bukhman

Track: Masterclass

en: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. “, Albert Einstein Historically, first materials related with Creative Person Development (CPD) were created and published by Genrich Altshuller and Igor Vertkin about 30 years ago and are available only in Russian. Altshuller and Vertkin analyzed many biographies of great and creative people. The result of this research work was the creation of the Life Strategy of the Creative Person (LSCP). The main idea of LSCP was a game between the candidate for a ”creative person” and environmental or external obstacles. In this “game” are described nearly all possible moves of “external environment” in order not to allow a creative person to gain the Great Aim and nearly all possible “answers” of the creative person to win in this “fight”. Each move was equipped with many examples – most of them from the Soviet and Russian sources. All possible moves of “external environment” and all possible “answers” of the creative person are grouped into four main categories: opening, middle game, endgame, and post-endgame. Post-endgame is possible in LSCP. The Creative Person is now out of his active life – yet, certain results are still produced due to the steps accomplished earlier. The trainer in this master class has created Creative Person Development (CPD) topic for his TRIZ trainings based on Jonathan Livingston Seagull story by Richard Bach. It is a very popular book available in many languages and you can easily go through Jonathan’s life milestones together with the trainer during the master class. CPD contains three parts (formation of the creative man; higher to heaven, to perfection; you are a teacher) and 49 steps. Each step is equipped with citation or with freely retelling from appropriate pages of book, with comments, with requirements to Creative Man, and with features of Creative Man.

de: Anwendung künstlicher Intelligenz auf Kreativität
en: Application of Artificial Intelligence to Creativity
fr: Application de l'intelligence artificielle à la créativité
ru: Применение искусственного интеллекта в творчестве

Author(s): William Y. Fowlkes

Track: Keynote

en: In this session I will review the basic principles of Artificial Intelligence and the challenges faced when applying AI directly to creative problem solving. I will then show how modern Machine Learning and AI can be applied to Patent and Non-Patent Literature, drawing analogies between what we can now do with machine learning to what Altshuller’s team did manually in the ‘50s with patent literature. I will then propose a new approach to TRIZ using AI to semantically analyze a problem and apply TRIZ Inventive Principles, Evolutionary Trends, and Separation Methods to generate useful suggestions to guide and accelerate the brainstorming process.

de: Radikale Innovation im Zeitalter KI-basierter Ingenieurskunst
en: Radical Innovation in an Age of AI-based Engineering
fr: L'innovation radicale à l'ère de l'ingénierie basée sur l'IA
ru: Радикальные инновации в эпоху инженерии на основе ИИ

Author(s): Lin Kayser

Track: Keynote

en: Physical products, even entire machines, are increasingly being designed by computer algorithms. Lin will explain, how this paradigm shift is critical in driving radical innovation and addressing today’s global challenges. Another key element is the transformation to a Digital Physical Product Economy, where objects are produced in automated digital factories. Digital Physical Products are conceived in purely digital form, traded and transacted digitally and then physically produced close to the end consumer, using a combination of industrial 3D printing and other digital manufacturing techniques. This paradigm enables new forms of collaboration, faster iteration times and therefore rapid innovation, but also completely new business models.

de: Quantifizierung der Einflüsse zwischen Komponenten, Funktionen und Prozessnutzungsstufen durch Verknüpfung von TRIZ-Methoden und System Engineering
en: Quantification of Influences between Components, Functions and Process Usage Stages by Linking TRIZ Methods and Systems Engineering
fr: Quantification des influences entre les composants, les fonctions et les étapes d'utilisation des processus par liaison Ingénierie des méthodes et des systèmes TRIZ
ru: Количественная оценка влияний между компонентами, функциями и этапами использования процессов путем связывания методов ТРИЗ и системной инженерии

Author(s): Ovidiu Bielefeld, Tim Katzwinkel, Manuel Löwer, Arthur Schleicht, Nadine Schlüter, Vladimir Sizikov

Track: TRIZ and System Engineering and Analysis


de: Beseitigung von Nachteilen durch Ändern von Übergängen in einem Ursache-Wirkungs-Modell einer Zustandsmaschine
en: Eliminating Disadvantages by Changing Transitions in a State Machine Cause-Effect Model
fr: Éliminer les inconvénients en modifiant les transitions dans un modèle de cause-effet de la machine d'État
ru: Устранение недостатков путем изменения переходов в причинно-следственной модели конечного автомата.

Author(s): Jerzy Chrząszcz

Track: TRIZ and System Engineering and Analysis


de: MOOCs und Face to Face (F2F) Modell im Vergleich: Welche Relevanz hat das für die Kreativitätsentwicklung?
en: MOOCs vs Face to Face (F2F) Model: What Relevance for Creativity Development?
fr: MOOCs vs modèle Face to Face (F2F) : Quelle pertinence pour le développement de la créativité?
ru: МООК против модели лицом к лицу (F2F): что важно для развития творческих способностей?

Author(s): Rachid Benmoussa

Track: TRIZ and System Engineering and Analysis


de: Die niedrige Nutzungsrate von ARIZ in TRIZ-Praktiken verstehen und überwinden
en: Understanding and Overcoming the Low Utilization Rate of ARIZ in TRIZ Practices
fr: Comprendre et surmonter le faible taux d'utilisation d'ARIZ dans les pratiques TRIZ
ru: Понимание и преодоление низкого уровня использования АРИЗ в практиках ТРИЗ

Author(s): Clément Acker, Antoine Braesch, Denis Cavallucci, Pierre Dumangin, Amira Essaid, Nathan Lauth

Track: TRIZ and System Engineering and Analysis


de: Effektive Verbesserungslösungen in Organisationen unter Verwendung von Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) und TRIZ: Eine Fallstudie aus der Hochschulbildung
en: Effective Improvement Solutions in Organizations Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and TRIZ: A Case Study in Higher Education
fr: Solutions d'amélioration efficaces dans les organisations utilisant l'analyse de l'enveloppe des données (DEA) et TRIZ: une étude de cas dans l'enseignement supérieur
ru: Эффективные решения по улучшению в организациях, использующих анализ охвата данных (DEA) и ТРИЗ: пример из высшего образования

Author(s): Stelian Brad, Gabriela Vica Olariu

Track: TRIZ and System Engineering and Analysis


de: Das World TRIZ-Related Sites Project (WTSP) (3): Weltweite WTSP-Kataloge von TRIZ und TRIZ-relevanten Sites: Erstausgabe (Okt. 2019) und ihre weitere Verbesserung
en: World TRIZ-Related Sites Project (WTSP) (3): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and around-TRIZ Sites: First Edition (Oct. 2019) and Its Further Enhancement
fr: World TRIZ-Related Sites Project (WTSP) (3): Catalogues mondiaux WTSP des sites TRIZ et autour de TRIZ: première édition (octobre 2019) et ses améliorations supplémentaires
ru: Всемирный проект сайтов, связанных с ТРИЗ (WTSP) (3): Всемирный каталог ТРИЗ и сайтов вокруг ТРИЗ: первое издание (октябрь 2019 г.) и его дальнейшее развитие

Author(s): Simon Dewulf, Simon S. Litvin, Darrell Mann, Toru Nakagawa, Michael A. Orloff, Valeri V. Souchkov

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Verwendung einiger TRIZ-Prinzipien beim Entwurf von Forschungsgeräten
en: Use of Some TRIZ Principles in the Case of Designing Research Equipment
fr: Utilisation de certains principes de TRIZ dans le cas de la conception d'équipements de recherche
ru: Использование некоторых принципов ТРИЗ в случае разработки исследовательского оборудования

Author(s): Marius Boca, Carmen Botezatu, Daniela Gabriela Ciobanu, Ionut Condrea, Vasile Ermolai, Mihaela Ețcu, Gheorghe Galmadi, Bogdan Oroian

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Studium einer Methodik zum Erstellen von Fantasy-Geschichten mit TRIZ
en: Study of a Methodology for Creating a Fantasy Story Using TRIZ
fr: Étude d'une méthodologie pour la création d'une histoire fantastique à l'aide de TRIZ
ru: Изучение методологии создания фантастического рассказа с использованием ТРИЗ

Author(s): Seunghyun Kang, Yong Won Song

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Einfach zu nutzende Ideentechnik basierend auf fünf branchenübergreifenden Analogien, welche die technische Kreativität von Studenten und Spezialisten verbessern
en: Easy-to-use Ideation Technique Based on Five Cross-Industry Analogies Enhances Engineering Creativity of Students and Specialists
fr: Technique d'idéation facile à utiliser basée sur cinq industries intersectorielles Les analogies améliorent la créativité des étudiants et des spécialistes en ingénierie
ru: Как простая в использовании методика создания идей, основанная на пяти межотраслевых аналогий, усиливают инженерное творчество студентов и специалистов

Author(s): Pavel Livotov

Track: Tools and Techniques of TRIZ for Enhancing Design and Education


de: Ein Ansatz zum Trimmen von Produkttypen-Prozessen
en: An Approach of Product-type Process Trimming
fr: Une approche du découpage des processus par type de produit
ru: Подход к свертыванию процессов продуктовых типов

Author(s): Zhitao Song, Jianguang Sun, Runhua Tan, Fanfan Wang, Ye Wang, Lan Zhang

Track: Tools and Techniques of TRIZ for Enhancing Design and Education


de: Anwendung der TRIZ-SF-Analyse und Situationsanalyse in der Risikoanalyse und Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Sprache in Stakeholdergruppen
en: Application of TRIZ Substance-Field Analysis and Situational Analysis for Risk Analysis and Development of Common Language among Stakeholders
fr: Application de l'analyse de champ de substance TRIZ et de l'analyse de situation pour l'analyse de risque et le développement d'un langage commun entre les parties prenantes
ru: Применение вепольного анализа ТРИЗ и ситуационного анализа для анализа рисков и развитие общего языка среди заинтересованных сторон

Author(s): Iouri Belski, Jennifer Harlim, Tony Tanoyo

Track: Tools and Techniques of TRIZ for Enhancing Design and Education


de: Eine Wissensdatenbank auf der Basis von TRIZ Entwicklungsbäumen organisieren
en: How to Organize a Knowledge Base Using TRIZ Evolution Tree
fr: Comment organiser une base de connaissances à l'aide de TRIZ Evolution Tree
ru: Как организовать базу знаний с использованием дерева эволюции ТРИЗ

Author(s): Paolo Carrara, Davide Russo, Christian Spreafico

Track: Tools and Techniques of TRIZ for Enhancing Design and Education


en: High Power Density Speed Reducers: A TRIZ Based Classification of Mechanical Solutions
fr: Réducteurs de vitesse à haute densité de puissance : Une classification des solutions mécaniques basée sur TRIZ
ru: Плотные редукторы скорости высокой мощности: классификация механических решений на основе ТРИЗ.

Author(s): Yuri Borgianni, Franco Concli, Lorenzo Maccioni

Track: Tools and Techniques of TRIZ for Enhancing Design and Education


de: TRIZ: Innovationsmöglichkeiten in der Modebranche
en: TRIZ: Innovation Opportunities for the Fashion Industry
fr: TRIZ: Opportunités d'innovation pour l'industrie de la mode
ru: ТРИЗ: инновационные возможности для индустрии моды

Author(s): Vladimir M. Petrov, Elena Solodkina

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: Formulierung der Definition des Lebens unter Verwendung der ARIZ 85c-Methodik
en: Formulation of the Definition of Life Using the ARIZ 85c Methodology
fr: Formulation de la définition de la vie à l'aide de la méthodologie ARIZ 85c
ru: Формулировка определения жизни с использованием методологии АРИЗ-85В

Author(s): Viesturs Tamuzs

Track: TRIZ Case Studies and Practices

de: AI und TRIZ-basiertes erweitertes Brainstorming auf Ihr Problem anwenden
en: Applying AI and TRIZ based Augmented Brainstorming to Your Problem
fr: Application du brainstorming augmenté basé sur l'IA et TRIZ à votre problème
ru: Применение расширенного мозгового штурма на основе ИИ и ТРИЗ для решения вашей проблемы

Author(s): Erik Garcell

Track: Masterclass

en: In this workshop students will receive a 2 day trial account to IQAubri,’s revolutionary new software that combines the power of AI, TRIZ and patent search to provide instant analysis of an inventive problem and present Functional Concepts and Inventive Principles to help guide the creation of innovative solutions. The instructors will present a brief demo with power tips on how to use IQAubri. The participants will then enter their problem, either in the form of a known problem and root cause analysis using the 5 Why’s approach or as a system improvement with a detailed description of the initial system. IQAubri will semantically analyze the problem and then provide functional solutions from the prior art and relevant Inventive Principles, chosen by the AI as the most likely to produce useful results. Finally, the participants will share lessons learned and can continue their analysis and download their results before the trial period ends. Work teams attending the conference can sign up to work their problem together in a collaborative mode using networking tools.

de: Die Magischer Maschine
en: Magic Machine
fr: Machine magique
ru: Магическая машина

Author(s): Isak Bukhman

Track: Masterclass

en: Motivation: During my short visit in Tianjin (December 2018), Professor Runhua Tan showed me a new 3D printer in his National Engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Method and Tool. The image of 3D printer and one of G. Altov (G. S. Altshuller) science-fiction ideas triggered me to start to think about the “magic machine”, which will be able to create any system from atomic to super-macro level, from any available substances-gases-fields. So, I selected 3D printer as a prototype and the TRIZ Technology for Innovation was used to start this project. Short description of selected G. Altov science-fiction idea: “The surrounded dust-gas looked a little like a homogeneous cloud. On the standard capsule DS-operator creates the construction by using the substance of cloud: reactor, engine, housing with residential and cargo compartments, protective screens, and then everything could be changed and rebuild depending on the parameters of flight and the state of external fields. The dust-gas cloud gives unlimited amounts of energy and substance, everything else depends on the skill of the DS-operator. When the flight is finished, the design is sprayed, and from the ship, which is often more than a hundred kilometers long, is still a small standard capsule, ready to become a ship again.”

de: Eine offene Forschungs- und Innovationsplattform für das nächste große Ding
en: Open Research and Innovation Platform Enabling the Next Big Thing
fr: Plate-forme ouverte de recherche et d'innovation permettant de réaliser le prochain grand projet
ru: Открытая платформа исследований и инноваций, открывающая новые возможности

Author(s): Dimitri Sidorovitch

Track: Keynote

en: There is a huge potential of innovation and technology in the world. This offers the chance to solve big societal problems in healthcare, urban mobility and other issues. Governments around the world are stepping up their involvement and investments in this sector. Efficient discovery, evaluation and exchange of IP/intangible assets can be one of the most important advantage. Innovative companies are the drivers of economic growth; and in this context, IP becomes one of the most valuable assets. Amount of investments in deep tech is rapidly growing, new trusted collaboration wanted to foster deep tech discovery and quick commercialization. In line with these trends, the presentation is focused on how Open Research and Innovation Platforms powered by the new generation Hybrid Blockchain can foster collaboration between more partners in a smart way, with the possibility to monitor and assess the IP contributions of all partners during project life-cycle.