
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:MethodofTrends (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Method of Trends"@en, "Метод тенденций"@ru
od:SouchkovCategory tc:CreativeImaginationDevelopment
od:SouchkovDefinition "A technique which explores what contradictions will emerge in a future if two current trends in the technology and society will evolve to reach their limits."@en
tc:MethodofTrialandError (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Method of Trial and Error"@en, "Метод проб и ошибок (МПиО)"@ru
od:SouchkovCategory tc:GeneralTRIZ
od:SouchkovDefinition "A non-algorithmic way to generate new solution ideas based on a direct mental jump from a problem given to an idea. A primary drawback of the method is a necessity in most cases to generate a large number of ideas to solve a difficult problem that might result in a long period of time and many problem solving attempts till a feasible idea is found."@en
tc:MethodsforEliminatingPsychologicalinertia (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Methods for Eliminating Psychological inertia"@en, "Методы устранения психологической инерции"@ru
od:SouchkovCategory tc:CreativeImaginationDevelopment
od:SouchkovDefinition "A group of methods which focus on using special psychological means for reducing the degree of psychological inertia to expand the ideas search area. Most known methods of reducing psychological inertia were known before TRIZ, such as brainstorm, Synectics, etc."@en
tc:Method (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:VDIGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "TRIZ method"@en, "TRIZ-Methode"@de, "метод ТРИЗ"@ru
od:VDIGlossaryDefinition "Way of application of one or more TRIZ tools."@en, "Способ применения одного или нескольких инструментов ТРИЗ."@ru, "Ablauf der Anwendung eines oder mehrerer TRIZ-Werkzeuge."@de
tc:MethodsPsychologicalActivationInventiveThinking (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:OntoCard, skos:Concept
skos:prefLabel "Онтология "Методы психологической активизации изобретательского мышления""@ru, "Ontologie der Methoden der psychologischen Aktivierung des erfinderischen Denkens"@de, "Ontology of Methods of psychological activation of inventive thinking"@en
od:hasSuperConcept tc:DevelopmentCreativeImagination
od:hasWebPage https://triz-summit.ru/onto_triz/rtv/metodpsico