
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
bmp:CustomerLoyalty (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:BusinessModelPattern
skos:prefLabel "Customer Loyalty"@en, "Лояльность клиентов"@ru, "Kundentreue"@de
skos:note "Customers are retained and loyalty assured by providing value beyond the actual product or service itself, i.e., through incentive-based programs. The goal is to increase loyalty by creating an emotional connection or simply rewarding it with special offers. Customers are voluntarily bound to the company, which protects future revenue."@en
od:hasDimension bmp:Value, bmp:What
od:hasNumber "10"
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/BusinessTrend/Trend_01 (EasyRdf\Resource)
od:toBusinessModelPattern bmp:CustomerLoyalty
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/BusinessTrend/Trend_10 (EasyRdf\Resource)
od:toBusinessModelPattern bmp:CustomerLoyalty
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E1222 (EasyRdf\Resource)
skos:example "Nestl? redesign the bottle and cap to make them lighter. Also narrowed the label. "