
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:AnticipatoryFailureDetermination (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry, skos:Concept, od:VDIGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Anticipatory Failure Determination"@en, "Определение ожидаемого сбоя"@ru, "anticipatory failure determination (AFD)"@en, "Antizipierende Fehlererkennung (AFE)"@de
od:SouchkovAbbreviation "AFD"@en
od:SouchkovCategory tc:TRIZTools
od:SouchkovDefinition "A method and a technique for identification of potential problems and failures either within a technical system or in its supersystem caused by the technical system. Anticipatory Failure Analysis includes two strategies: 1) AFD Failure Analysis to reveal causes of a negative or undesired effect (see Diversion Analysis), and 2) AFD Prediction Analysis which focuses on predicting potential negative or undesired effects."@en
od:VDIGlossaryDefinition "Метод ТРИЗ для определения возможных сбоев системы, их причин и способов устранения, включая ненаблюдаемые до настоящего времени сбои, будущие сбои и сбои с неизвестными причинами."@ru, "TRIZ method for identifying possible system failures, their causes and ways for failure elimination, which also includes failures unobserved so far, future failures, and failures with unknown causes."@en, "TRIZ-Methode zur Identifikation möglicher Systemfehler, ihrer Ursachen und Beseitigungsmöglichkeiten, die auch bisher nicht beobachtete, zukünftige und schwer erklärbare Fehler einschließt."@de