
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:Principle
skos:altLabel "Aggregatzustände und deren Übergänge beherrschen"@de, "Parameter Changes"@en
skos:prefLabel "Приём изменения физико-химических параметров объекта"@ru, "Veränderung der physikalischen oder chemischen Parameter eines Objekts"@de, "Changing physical or chemical parameters of an object"@en
od:hasAltshuller84Id "35"
od:Matrix2003Id "35"
od:hasAltshuller73Id "35"
od:hasRecommendation tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_1, tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_2, tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_3, tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_4, tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_5
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_1 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:Recommendation
skos:note "This includes not only simple transitions, e.g. from the solid to the liquid state, but also transitions into pseudo or quasi states, e.g. the quasi-liquid, and intermediate states, e.g. the use of elastic solid body."@en, "Hierzu gehören nicht nur einfache Übergänge, z.B. vom festen in den flüssigen Zustand, sondern auch die Übergänge in „Pseudo- oder Quasizustände“, z.B. Quasiflüssigkeiten, und Zwischenzustände, z.B. die Verwendung elastischer Festkörper."@de, "К ним относятся не только простые переходы, например, из твердого состояния в жидкое, но также переходы в псевдо или квазизначные состояния, например, квазижидкость, и в промежуточные состояния, например, использование упругого твердого тела."@ru
od:description "Change an object's physical state (e.g. to a gas, liquid, or solid)"@en, "Veränderung des physikalischen Zustands eines Objekts (z. B. in ein Gas, eine Flüssigkeit oder einen Feststoff)"@de, "Изменение физического состояния объекта (например, превращение в газ, жидкость или твердое тело)"@ru
od:MannDombExample "Virtual prototyping"@en, "Numerical simulation"@en, "Electronic voting in elections"@en, "Telephone banking"@en, "Virtual shopping - e.g. Amazon.com"@en
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_2 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:Recommendation
od:description "Изменение параметров объекта касается не только вещест, но и полей"@ru, "Changing the parameters of an object concerns not only substances, but also fields"@en, "Das Ändern der Parameter eines Objekts betrifft nicht nur Substanzen, sondern auch Felder"@de
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_3 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:Recommendation
od:description "Änderung der Konzentration oder der Konsistenz"@de, "Изменить концентрацию или консистенцию"@ru, "Change the concentration or consistency"@en
od:MannDombExample "‘Six Action Shoes’ (35)"@en, "Change the team structure (e.g. football teams use substitutes)"@en, "Stores introduce ‘special offers’ and other promotions"@en, "‘Six Thinking Hats’ (33)"@en
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_4 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:Recommendation
od:description "Изменить степень гибкости"@ru, "Ändern des Flexibilitätsgrads"@de, "Change the degree of flexibility"@en
od:MannDombExample "Introduce intelligence into on-line catalogues (e.g. first generation catalogues were replicas of previous paper versions, latest generation incorporate search engines, expert systems, etc)"@en, "Moves away from fixed clothing size partitions - e.g. ‘Personal Pairs’ - a customer at a participating store chooses which fabric he/she wants, then is measured. Those measurements are transmitted instantly to a Levi's plant in Tennessee where the data controls a laser cutter. The bar-coded pieces are stitched on the regular assembly line, and mailed directly to the customer. (The custom Levi’s, which customers love, run about more than off-the-rack ones) (22)"@en, "Software with options for ‘beginner’ through to ‘expert’ usage"@en
tc:ChangePhysicalOrChemicalParameters_5 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:Recommendation
od:description "Изменить температуру"@ru, "Change the temperature"@en, "Ändern der Temperatur"@de
od:MannDombExample "Get employees excited about the future of the company by using full involvement strategic planning, or stock options, or… etc."@en, "‘A fired-up team wins games even if it’s not the best team. A fired-up company can achieve the same result’ (34)"@en, "Get customers excited (‘hot’) about the product by giving them ownership of the change"@en