→ skos:altLabel → "Competing Technical system"@en
→ skos:prefLabel → "Competitive Technical Systems"@en, "Конкурирующие Технические Системы"@ru, "Конкурирующая техническая система"@ru, "Competitive Technical System"@en
→ od:TOPExplanation → "Технические системы, выполняющие одну и ту же функцию, но разными способами."@ru
→ od:SouchkovDefinition → "A technical system that provides the same technical function as a technical system being analyzed but differs either slightly or radically from the technical system being analyzed. The concept of a competitive technical system is similar to the concept of alternative technical system."@en
→ od:SouchkovExample → "Both a car and a bicycle are used to transport a passenger or a cargo. "@en