
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:EngineeringParameter (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry, skos:Concept
skos:altLabel "Technical Parameter"@en
skos:prefLabel "Технический параметр"@ru, "Engineering Parameter"@en
od:SouchkovCategory tc:GeneralTRIZ, tc:ContradictionMatrix, tc:ARIZ
od:SouchkovDefinition "A variable dimensional or dimensionless measurable factor, either specific or aggregated, that participates in the definition of an attribute of a technical system, its subsystem, or supersystem and is expressed in terms related to technology (physical, chemical, etc.) "@en
od:SouchkovExample "Specific level of conductivity, specific level of viscosity measured in Pascal seconds."@en