
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:PolySystemwithBiasedParameters (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry, skos:Concept
skos:altLabel "Poly-system with similar parameters"@en
skos:prefLabel "Poly-system with Biased Parameters"@en, "Полисистема со сдвинутыми характеристиками"@ru
od:SouchkovCategory tc:TrendsofTechnicalSystemsEvolution
od:SouchkovDefinition "A technical system which includes three of more components with biased functions or values of the same attribute to create a positive synergetic effect: either a considerable multiplication or decrease of a value of an attribute, or delivering a new property, or production of a new function. A poly-system can be formed by three or more complete technical systems with biased functions or values of the same attribute. "@en
od:SouchkovExample "1) A pen containing several rods filled by ink of different colors. 2) Set of crayons of different colors. "@en