→ skos:altLabel → "Zerlegung"@de, "Decomposition"@en
→ skos:prefLabel → "Segmentation"@en, "Приём дробления"@ru, "Segmentierung"@de
→ od:hasAltshuller84Id → "01"
→ od:LippertGlossaryNote → "Division of a means of transport into smaller and smaller independent parts (used to improve air flow) is an innovation that has been applied in improving the cooling of electronics [36]."@en, "In keeping with the true sense of division of parts, the application of segmentation to programming is done by object-oriented methods, or functional modularity. This type of segmentation is used in systems engineering to achieve decoupling between systems, to implement service-oriented architecture (SOA), and to develop a work breakdown structure."@en, "Segmentation is the process of dividing a system into parts. Such a division permits the isolation of system properties."@en, "In software systems, this segmentation has been proposed to be the division into intelligent agents [18]."@en, "In addition, segmentation can alter system properties and introduce new properties."@en, "The divisions applied can be real or artificial, psychological, or physical."@en, "Segmentation has already been implemented within computer systems in transitioning from mainframes to personal computers."@en, "Isolation of the harmful properties into an individual segment allows such properties to be considered independently of the rest of the system."@en, "A third approach applies when an object is already segmented and requires increasing the degree of segmentation. In systems engineering, this is manifest by the definition of increasing levels of sub system definition."@en, "Making an object sectional — easy to take apart and put together — was an innovation which resulted in “ready to assemble” furniture. When applied to software and systems, this approach invokes the principles of modular design."@en, "Dividing an object into independent parts results in segmentation."@en
→ od:Matrix2003Id → "01"
→ od:hasAltshuller73Id → "01"