
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E3410 (EasyRdf\Resource)
skos:narrower http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E3411
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E3411 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:EDPNode
skos:prefLabel "4.1.1. Efficient use of energy"
skos:example "Daewoo Air Power Z washing machine: it has new washing technology based on cold water and air. In this way the laundry can be done without heating the water that normally uses most of the required energy", "Energy class range: check the class of the household electrical appliances. A stands for the most efficient energy consumption"
od:Suggestion "Convert energy only when required or explore new technologies for a discretionary use of energy"
od:hasLevel "Level_3"
skos:broader http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E3410