
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E4220 (EasyRdf\Resource)
skos:narrower http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E4221
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E4221 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:EDPNode
skos:prefLabel "2.2.1. Reduce CO2 emissions in the air during disposal"
skos:example "PLA polylactic acid: PLA is a biodegradable plastic tipically used for packaging. It saves raw materials and it derives from the sugar of corn. It considerable reduces emission of Co2 in the air (principle cause of greenhouse effect)"
od:Suggestion "The emission of CO2 in the air, generated by waste combustion during the disposal, is one of the principle cause of greenhouse effect"
od:hasLevel "Level_3"
skos:broader http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E4220