→ skos:prefLabel → "Product recycling, Recycling 2.0 by waste management"
→ od:hasExample → "Arla", "Norsk Gjenvinning", "Icelandic recycling fund", "Zen Robotics"
→ od:hasLFId → "P12"
→ od:hasCostsVC → "reduction of energy and material costs", "reduction of waste disposal costs"
→ od:hasPartnersVC → "municipality", "researchers", "key customers", "suppliers"
→ od:hasProcessVC → "winning back base materials from used products", "winning back base materials from used packaging"
→ od:hasProductVP → "packaging that can be completely emptied"
→ od:hasServiceVP → "waste recycling", "waste collection", "waste sorting", "education of consumers to reduce product waste"