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The TRIZ Parameters in Different Matrices

Parameter WeightOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 01 in Matrix-84
Parameter 01 in Matrix-2003

de: Gewicht des bewegten Objekts
en: Weight of the moving object
ru: Вес подвижного объекта

en: The weight of the object, in a gravitational field. The force that the body exerts on its support or suspension.

Parameter WeightOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 02 in Matrix-84
Parameter 02 in Matrix-2003

de: Gewicht des unbewegten Objekts
en: Weight of the stationary object
ru: Вес неподвижного объекта

en: The weight of the object, in a gravitational field. The force that the body exerts on the surface on which it rests.

Parameter LengthOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 03 in Matrix-84
Parameter 03 in Matrix-2003

de: Länge des bewegten Objekts
en: Length of the moving object
ru: Длина подвижного объекта

en: Any one linear dimension of the object, not necessarily the longest.

Parameter LengthOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 04 in Matrix-84
Parameter 04 in Matrix-2003

de: Länge des unbewegten Objekts
en: Length of the stationary object
ru: Длина неподвижного объекта

en: Any one linear dimension of the object, not necessarily the longest.

Parameter AreaOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 05 in Matrix-84
Parameter 05 in Matrix-2003

de: Fläche des bewegten Objekts
en: Area of the moving object
ru: Площадь подвижного объекта

en: The outermost or uppermost layer of the object.

Parameter AreaOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 06 in Matrix-84
Parameter 06 in Matrix-2003

de: Fläche des unbewegten Objekts
en: Area of the stationary object
ru: Площадь неподвижного объекта

en: The outermost or uppermost layer of the object.

Parameter VolumeOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 07 in Matrix-84
Parameter 07 in Matrix-2003

de: Volumen des bewegten Objekts
en: Volume of the moving object
ru: Объем подвижного объекта

en: The cubic measure of space occupied by the object.

Parameter VolumeOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 08 in Matrix-84
Parameter 08 in Matrix-2003

de: Volumen des unbewegten Objekts
en: Volume of the stationary object
ru: Объем неподвижного объекта

de: Volumen des unbewegten Objekts
en: The cubic measure of space occupied by the object.

Parameter Shape

Parameter 12 in Matrix-84
Parameter 09 in Matrix-2003

de: Form
en: Shape
ru: Форма

en: The external contours, form, or appearance of a system.

Parameter AmountOfSubstance

Parameter 26 in Matrix-84
Parameter 10 in Matrix-2003

de: Materialmenge
en: Amount of substance
ru: Количество вещества

en: The number or amount of a system’s materials, substances, parts, or subsystems which are altered (permanently or temporarily) or consumed (fully or partially) during normal functioning.

Parameter QuantityofInformation

Parameter 11 in Matrix-2003

en: Quantity Of Information

Parameter DurabilityOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 15 in Matrix-84
Parameter 12 in Matrix-2003

de: Haltbarkeit des bewegten Objekts
en: Durability of the moving object
ru: Время действия подвижного объекта

en: The time that the object or system can correctly perform its action. Also referred to as service life or durability.

Parameter DurabilityOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 16 in Matrix-84
Parameter 13 in Matrix-2003

de: Haltbarkeit des unbewegten Objekts
en: Durability of the stationary object
ru: Время действия неподвижного объекта

en: The time that the object or system can correctly perform its action. Also referred to as service life or durability.

Parameter Speed

Parameter 09 in Matrix-84
Parameter 14 in Matrix-2003

de: Geschwindigkeit
en: Speed
ru: Скорость

en: The rate of a process or action, or the rate of movement of an object.

Parameter Force

Parameter 10 in Matrix-84
Parameter 15 in Matrix-2003

de: Kraft
en: Force (Intensity)
ru: Сила

en: Force measures the interaction between systems and is measured as the strength or energy of physical action or movement. It is any interaction that changes an object’s condition or environment.

Parameter EnergyUseOfTheMovingObject

Parameter 19 in Matrix-84
Parameter 16 in Matrix-2003

de: Energieverbrauch des bewegten Objekts
en: Energy consumption of the moving object
ru: Затрата энергии подвижного объекта

en: Consumption of energy resource(s) in order to perform the action or function of the object.

Parameter EnergyUseOfTheStationaryObject

Parameter 20 in Matrix-84
Parameter 17 in Matrix-2003

de: Energieverbrauch des unbewegten Objekts
en: Energy consumption of the stationary object
ru: Затрата энергии неподвижного объекта

en: Consumption of energy resource(s) in order to perform the action or function of the object.

Parameter Power

Parameter 21 in Matrix-84
Parameter 18 in Matrix-2003

de: Leistung, Kapazität
en: Power
ru: Мощность

en: Energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means. This characteristic refers to production not consumption.

Parameter StressOrPressure

Parameter 11 in Matrix-84
Parameter 19 in Matrix-2003

de: Spannung, Druck
en: Stress, Pressure
ru: Напряжение, давление

en: Technically, force per unit area but can also be a balance between, and interplay of, opposing objects or systems.

Parameter Strength

Parameter 14 in Matrix-84
Parameter 20 in Matrix-2003

de: Festigkeit
en: Strength
ru: Прочность

en: The extent to which the object can resist changing in response to force. Resistance to breaking.

Parameter StabilityOfTheObjectsStructure

Parameter 13 in Matrix-84
Parameter 21 in Matrix-2003

de: Stabilität der Struktur des Objekts
en: Stability of the object’s structure
ru: Устойчивость состава объекта

en: The standalone nature and immobility of the system or object.

Parameter Temperature

Parameter 17 in Matrix-84
Parameter 22 in Matrix-2003

de: Temperatur
en: Temperature
ru: Температура

en: The thermal condition of the object or system. Includes other thermal parameters, such as heat capacity, that affect the rate of change of temperature.

Parameter IlluminationIntensity

Parameter 18 in Matrix-84
Parameter 23 in Matrix-2003

de: Beleuchtungsintensität
en: Illumination intensity
ru: Освещённость

en: Illumination characteristics of the system such as brightness, intensity, and color.

Parameter FunctionEfficiency

Parameter 24 in Matrix-2003

en: Function Efficiency

Parameter LossOfSubstance

Parameter 23 in Matrix-84
Parameter 25 in Matrix-2003

de: Materialverluste
en: Loss of substance
ru: Потери вещества

en: Waste of a system’s materials, substances, parts, or subsystems during normal functioning.

Parameter LossOfTime

Parameter 25 in Matrix-84
Parameter 26 in Matrix-2003

de: Zeitverlust
en: Loss of time
ru: Потери времени

en: Time taken to perform the activity or function of the system or object. Improving the loss of time means reducing the time taken for the activity.

Parameter LossOfEnergy

Parameter 22 in Matrix-84
Parameter 27 in Matrix-2003

de: Energieverluste
en: Loss of Energy
ru: Потери энергии

en: The waste of energy resource(s) through the function or movement of the object or system.

Parameter LossOfInformation

Parameter 24 in Matrix-84
Parameter 28 in Matrix-2003

de: Informationsverluste
en: Loss of information
ru: Потери информации

en: Partial or complete, permanent or temporary, loss of data or access to data in or by a system. Frequently includes sensory data such as aroma, texture, etc.

Parameter Noise

Parameter 29 in Matrix-2003

en: Noise

Parameter HarmfulEmissions

Parameter 30 in Matrix-2003

en: Harmful Emissions

Parameter InternalHarmfulFactors

Parameter 31 in Matrix-84
Parameter 31 in Matrix-2003

de: Interne schädliche Faktoren
en: Internal harmful factors
ru: Вредные факторы самого объекта

de: Vom Objekt selbst erzeugte schädliche Faktoren
en: Harmful effects are generated by the object or system, as part of its operation.

Parameter Adaptability

Parameter 35 in Matrix-84
Parameter 32 in Matrix-2003

de: Adaptionsfähigkeit, Universalität
en: Adaptability, Universality
ru: Адаптация, универсальность

en: The extent to which a system or object is appropriate for all situations or positively responds to external changes.

Parameter CompatitbilityOrConnectability

Parameter 33 in Matrix-2003

en: Compatitbility Or Connectability

Parameter EaseOfOperation

Parameter 33 in Matrix-84
Parameter 34 in Matrix-2003

de: Benutzerfreundlichkeit
en: Ease of operation
ru: Удобство эксплуатации

Alternative Label:
en: Convenience of use

en: Simple, easy to understand and perform or utilize; accessible.

Parameter Reliability

Parameter 27 in Matrix-84
Parameter 35 in Matrix-2003

de: Zuverlässigkeit
en: Reliability
ru: Надёжность

en: A system’s ability to perform its intended functions in consistent, predictable ways.

Parameter EaseOfRepair

Parameter 34 in Matrix-84
Parameter 36 in Matrix-2003

de: Reparaturfreundlichkeit
en: Ease of repair
ru: Удобство ремонта

Alternative Label:
en: Convenience of repair

en: The degree of facility or effortlessness in the mending or fixing of the system. Encompasses convenience as well as time to repair faults, failures, or defects.

Parameter Security

Parameter 37 in Matrix-2003

en: Security

Parameter Vulnerability

Parameter 38 in Matrix-2003

en: Vulnerability

Parameter AestheticsOrAppearance

Parameter 39 in Matrix-2003

en: Aesthetics or Appearance

Parameter ExternalHarmfulFactors

Parameter 30 in Matrix-84
Parameter 40 in Matrix-2003

de: Externe schädliche Faktoren
en: External harmful factors
ru: Вредные факторы, действующие на объект извне

de: Von außen auf das Objekt wirkende schädliche Faktoren
en: Susceptibility of a system to externally generated (harmful) effects. A harmful effect is one that reduces the efficiency or quality of the functioning of the object or system.

Parameter EaseOfManufacturing

Parameter 32 in Matrix-84
Parameter 41 in Matrix-2003

de: Fertigungsfreundlichkeit
en: Ease of manufacturing
ru: Удобство изготовления

Alternative Label:
en: Convenience of manufacturing

en: The degree of facility or effortlessness in manufacturing or fabricating the object or system.

Parameter ManufacturingPrecision

Parameter 29 in Matrix-84
Parameter 42 in Matrix-2003

de: Fertigungsgenauigkeit
en: Manufacturing precision
ru: Точность изготовления

en: The extent to which the actual characteristics of the system or object match the specified or required characteristics.

Parameter LevelOfAutomation

Parameter 38 in Matrix-84
Parameter 43 in Matrix-2003

de: Automatisierungsgrad
en: Level of automation
ru: Степень автоматизации

en: The extent to which a system or object performs its functions without human assistance. At the highest level of operation, the system or object can determine what is needed, adapt to that need, and monitor its function.

Parameter Productivity

Parameter 39 in Matrix-84
Parameter 44 in Matrix-2003

de: Produktivität
en: Productivity
ru: Производительность

en: The output of a system per unit time or per unit of input. The effectiveness of productive effort.

Parameter DeviceComplexity

Parameter 36 in Matrix-84
Parameter 45 in Matrix-2003

de: Kompliziertheit des Geräts
en: Device complexity
ru: Сложность устройства

Alternative Label:
de: Kompliziertheit der Struktur
en: Complexity of the structure

en: The number and diversity of elements and element interrelationships comprising a system. Human interaction increases complexity.

Parameter ComplexityOfControl

Parameter 46 in Matrix-2003

en: Complexity Of Control

Parameter DifficultyOfDetecting

Parameter 37 in Matrix-84
Parameter 47 in Matrix-2003

de: Kompliziertheit der Kontrolle und Messbarkeit
en: Difficulty of detecting
ru: Сложность контроля и измерения

Alternative Label:
en: Complexity of control and measurement

en: Demonstrated by measuring or monitoring systems that are complex, costly, require much time and labor to set up and use, or that have complex relationships between components or components that interfere with each other. Can also be indicated by the increasing cost of measuring to a satisfactory error.

Parameter MeasurementAccuracy

Parameter 28 in Matrix-84
Parameter 48 in Matrix-2003

de: Messgenauigkeit
en: Measurements accuracy
ru: Точность измерения

en: The degree to which the result of a measurement of a property of a system conforms to the correct value or a standard.