
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
bmp:ReverseEngineering (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:BusinessModelPattern
skos:prefLabel "Reverse Engineering"@en, "Reverse Engineering"@de, "Обратный инжиниринг"@ru
skos:note "This pattern refers to obtaining a competitor's product, taking it apart, and using this information to produce a similar or compatible product. Because no huge investment in research or development is necessary, these products can be offered at a lower price than the original product."@en
od:hasDimension bmp:What, bmp:Value
od:hasNumber "42"
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/BusinessTrend/Trend_01 (EasyRdf\Resource)
od:toBusinessModelPattern bmp:ReverseEngineering