
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:Convolution (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Convolution"@en
od:SouchkovCategory tc:TrendsofTechnicalSystemsEvolution
od:SouchkovDefinition "An interval on the timeline of a technical system evolution according to the Bell-curve of evolution which follows the phase of the system's Expansion. During Convolution, innovative changes of the technical system result in the decrease of the overall complication of the system, decrease of its dimensions and energy consumption; and decrease of costs required to deliver the system's main useful function or provide the main parameter of value required while still ensuring that the required degrees of quality and performance do not degrade. Three possible scenarios of covolution are possible: 1) Minimal, when all subsystems still remain independent; 2) Partial, when a number of subsystems become a single subsystem; 3) Full, when all subsystems may not work independently. In many cases, partial and full convolution require change of operational principles."@en
od:SouchkovExample "An electronic circuit which consists of independent electronic devices is replaced by a microchip."@en