
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:ExternalConditions (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry, skos:Concept, od:GSAThesaurusEntry
skos:prefLabel "Condiciones externas"@es, "Warunki zewnętrzne"@pl, "Зьнешнія абставіны"@by, "Condições externas"@pt, "Condizioni esterne"@it, "External conditions"@en, "External Conditions"@en, "תנאים חיצוניים"@he, "Внешние обстоятельства"@ru, "Các hoàn cảnh (điều kiện) bên ngoài"@vn, "Circonstances extérieures"@fr, "Vnější okolnosti"@cz, "Äußere Bedingungen"@de, "Externe omstandigheden"@nl, "外部環境"@jp, "Spoljni uslovi"@rs, "Günümüzün şartları (dış şartlar)"@tr, "Зовнiшнi обставини"@ua
od:SouchkovCategory tc:GeneralTRIZ
od:SouchkovDefinition "All types of factors in a supersystem which influence behavior of a technical system and produce impact on its features and values of its attributes."@en