
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:Heuristics (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type skos:Concept, od:GSAThesaurusEntry, od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry
skos:prefLabel "Heuristik (buluşsal, sezgisel)"@tr, "יוריסטיקה"@he, "Heuristik"@de, "Heurística"@es, "Heurystyka"@pl, "Heuristieken"@nl, "Euristique"@fr, "Euristica"@it, "Heuristics"@en, "解法"@jp, "Heuristika"@cz, "Еврiстiка"@ua, "Heuristika"@rs, "Heurísticas"@pt, "Эвристика"@ru, "Sáng tạo học (Khoa học về sáng tạo)"@vn, "Эўрыстыка"@by
od:SouchkovCategory tc:GeneralTRIZ
od:SouchkovDefinition "A method of achieving a result required based on using statistically determined rules with high probability of success under specific conditions due to the lack of exact theory proposing how to obtain the result required with the 100% guarantee of success."@en