
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
tc:MiniProblem (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:SouchkovGlossaryEntry, od:GSAThesaurusEntry, skos:Concept
skos:prefLabel "Bài toán cực tiểu (Bài toán mini)"@vn, "Mini-problem"@tr, "Mini-problem"@en, "Zadanie minimum (minizadanie)"@pl, "Problème minimal (mini-problème)"@fr, "בעיית מיני"@he, "Задача мiнiмальна (мiнi-задача)"@ua, "Minimalni problem (mini-problem)"@rs, "Minimaal vraagstuk (mini vraagstuk)"@nl, "Miniproblema"@es, "Задача мінімальная (міні-задача)"@by, "最小問題"@jp, "Mini-Problem"@en, "Miniaufgabe"@de, "Miniproblema"@pt, "Mini-problema"@it, "Minimální zadání (mini-zadání)"@cz, "Задача минимальная (мини-задача)"@ru
od:SouchkovCategory tc:ARIZ
od:SouchkovDefinition "A type of Inventive Problem Definition which is obtained by imposing the following constraints on a given inventive situation: everything remains as is (without any changes) or becomes even simpler but the required positive effect is provided or the harmful effect disappears. Definition of a Mini-Problem targets at obtaining a solution required with as minimal changes in the existing technical system as possible."@en