
Graph: http://wumm.uni-leipzig.de:8891/sparql
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E2200 (EasyRdf\Resource)
skos:narrower http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E2220
http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E2220 (EasyRdf\Resource)
rdf:type od:EDPNode
skos:prefLabel "2.2. Redesign the product in order to make it repairable", "2.2. Redesign the product in order to minimize environmental impact during assembly"
od:Disadvantages "Product modification could not be compatible with project specifications"
od:Goal "Change the shape of the product and its components in order to reduce environmental impact during assembly", "Change the shape of the product and its components in order to reduce environmental impact by make it repairable"
od:Id "RedesignProductForRepairability", "RedesignProductForAssembly"
od:hasLevel "Level_2"
skos:broader http://opendiscovery.org/rdf/EcoDesignNode/E2200