→ skos:prefLabel → "The use of gradients"@en
→ skos:note → "Often, a high flow intensity is needed only in a certain area
(operational zone), while costs are determined by the overall intensity.
Therefore, it is advantageous to apply a flow with a gradient - high
intensity in the operational zone and low intensity throughout the rest of
the path to increase efficiency."@en
→ skos:definition → "Transition from a flow that is uniformly or randomly
distributed in space to a flow whose characteristics are distributed in
space according to the location of the object (parts of the object, several
objects) to which the flow is directed."@en
→ skos:example → "Glass cutting.<br/> A worker scratches the glass in the
right place and then lightly loads it. This creates such a concentration of
stress that the glass fails and breaks off evenly along the notch."@en, "Actually, all cutting and stabbing tools are based on the
concentration of force in a selected area of the workpiece - with a
relatively small overall force, the stress at the point of contact, which
has a very small area, increases so much that it exceeds the resistance
limits of the material."@en, "Shaped charge.<br/> The shaped charge concentrates most of
the blast energy into a very small area, resulting in extremely high armour
piercing efficiency within a very low overall charge."@en