→ skos:prefLabel → "Pre-saturation of the operative zone with substance, energy and information"@en
→ skos:note → "Ideally, there should be no flows in the system at all, because
any flow leads to losses and additional load on the system. Complete
coagulation of flows can be achieved by pre-saturating the operational zone
with substance, energy, and information of the required type and quantity.
In doing so, a weak initiating signal is often sufficient to carry out the
entire process. If it is not possible to fully saturate an operational area
with everything it needs, partial saturation may be limited. In this case,
it will be possible to switch to the use of weak streams."@en
→ skos:definition → "Transition from a strong flow to a weak one, acting on an
object pre-saturated with the components of this flow."@en
→ skos:example → "Pre-injection of a substance is sleeping pills.<br/> If they
are overdosed, poisoning is possible up to and including death. In this
case, inducing vomiting is often sufficient to save the person. Therefore,
in line with the trend, the following solution has been found - a small dose
of a vomiting agent has been injected into the pills in advance. In a
normal situation, this has no effect on well-being, but in a significant
overdose, it is triggered before irreparable harm is done to the
person."@en, "Land mines. Instead of shelling the enemy (shelling is the
organisation of the flow of certain substances through the environment), the
charges are placed in advance in places where they are likely to
appear."@en, "An example of pre-saturation of an operational zone with
information is the use of code signals. If it is agreed in advance which
signal means what (i.e., pre-introduce in the OZ the vast majority of
information), then any signal (and, in principle, even absence of a signal!)
can carry an almost unlimited amount of information. For example, submarine
commanders have detailed instructions about how to proceed if, after
surfacing, they don't get a certain signal from the base (absence of signal
means base destruction - here, the submarine will show itself in such a way
that the submarine will not only win!)."@en, "An example of pre-saturation of an operational area with
energy is self-heating canned food. Now, you don't need a fire or any other
external heat source - just press the bottom and you get a can of hot